13 Feb 2011

Festivals in Madhya Pradesh

The state of Madhya Pradesh celebrates some of the famous fairs and festivals in India. Check out cultural celebrations and festivals in state of Madhya Pradesh.

Fairs and Festivals in Madhya Pradesh: Madhya Pradesh is home to some of the most beautiful fairs and festivals in central India. Here are religious festivals having mythological origins, those that mark the seasons, others commemorate a local deity or a hero. The festivals celebrated in the state makes an effort to bring out the local tribal art and culture in the national market. These festivals showcase the heritage and culture of the region. Some of the largest and most popular festivals in Madhya Pradesh are briefed here:

Lokrang Festival - The five day long festival of Lokrang in Bhopal begins every year on 26th January (the republic day). It is a cultural exposition organised by Madhya Pradesh Adivasi Lok Kala Academy. The main features of the Lokrang are folk and tibal dances, classical dances, performing art form, exhibition and presentation of art and craft and cultural presentations from abroad also are a big draw.

Khajuraho Dance Festival - The famous temples of Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh are famous for its archaeological excellence. The temples were built during the Chandela Dynasty between 250 and 1050 AD.

Tansen Sangeet Samaroh - This cultural festival is dedicated to the pillar of Indian classical music, the great Tansen. The place where this great musician lies buries, Tansen Tomb, in Gwalior is the venue of a music festival held annually in November - December.

Festivals in Madhya Pradesh 2010

Festival / Event in Madhya PradeshLocation / PlaceDetails
Festival of DancesKhajurahoIndian Classical Dance Performance
Akhil Bharatiya Kalidas SamarohUjjainLiterary Presentations along with dramas and Indian Classical Dance programmes.
Tansen Sangeet SamarohGwaliorIndian Classical Vocal and Musical performances.
Dhrupad SamarohBhopalVocal perfromaces of Dhrupad style of Indian Classical Music.
Allauddin Khan Sangeet SamarohMaihar, SatnaIndian Classical Music.
Ameer Khan FestivalIndoreIndian Classical performances.
Rashtriya Hindi Natya SamarohBhopalHind's Best Drama's performances.
Pachmarhi UtsavPachmarhiIndian Folk Art's performances.
Mandu UtsavMandu
Orchha UtsavOrchha
Keshav Jayanti SamarohOrchhaLiterary Presenatation.
Alauddin Khan VyakhyanmalaBhopalLectures based on Classical Music.
Muktibodh SamarohBhindLiterary Programmes.
Bhavbhuti SamarohGwaliorSanskrit's Literary Programmes.
Malwa UtsavUjjain & IndoreFolk Arts and Indian Classical Music.
Makhanlal Chaturvedi SamarohJabalpurLiterary Programmes.
Rashtriya Ramleela MelaDifferent Parts of MPCountry's Best Ramleela Mandlis Performance.
Pt. Balkrishna Sharma "Naveen" SamarohHindi Literary Programmes.
Rajshekhar SamarohSanskrit Literary Programmes.
Lokrang SamarohBhopalIndian Folk Art's Presentation and performance.
Pt. Kumar Gandharva SamarohDharSanskrit Literary Programmes.
Padmakar SamarohHindi Literary Programmes.
Bhoj SamarohDharSanskrit Literary Programmes.
Shankari SamarohThroughout Madhya PradeshSanskrit Literary Programs
Kabir SamarohAll over Madhya PradeshFolk Arts, Music, Dances and Literary Programmes.
Rashtriya Alankaran SamarohBhopalDistribution of Cultural Awards
Jagar SamarohIndian Classical and Folk Arts Display.
Krishna Rao SamarohGwaliorIndian Classical Music.
Pandit SamarohPerformances.
M.P. Sangeet SamarohThroughout Madhya PradeshNimar Utsav, Maheshwar Indian Folk and Classical Performances.
Bharat BhawanBhopalVarious Folk arts exhibition and performances throughout the year.
Subhadra Kumari Chauhan SamarohHindi Literary Programmes and performances.
Film FestivalBhopalFilms from India and Abroad.
* This festival calendar has been taken from MP tourism board for tourist information.

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